Who Greek
What Temple of Hera I (Basilica)
When 550 BCE
Where Paestum, Italy
Why structure was a shrine to goddess Hera
How heavy closely spaced cigar-shaped columns with bulky pancakelike capitals
Which neighbor of temple of Hera II
Who Lacoon sculptors
What figure of Odysseus
When 1st century CE
Where villa of Tiberius, Sperlonga, Italy
Why part of mythological statuary group
How Marble
Who Roman
What Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
When 450-440 BCE
Where Pompeii, Italy
Why to portray perfect man and impose order on human government
How Marble Bronze statue
Who Archaic sculptor
What Peplos Kore
When 530 BCE
Where from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Why Votive statue of goddess
How Marble
Which Sister to Anavysos kouros
Who Athenians
What Francois Vase (volute krater)
When 570 BCE
Where Chiui, Italy
Why inspired by metal prototypes 200 Mythological figures
How painted (black figure technique)
Who Athenian paintor/potter
What Geometric krater
When 740 BCE
Where from Dipylon cemetery Athens, Greece
Why marked the grave of a man buried (mourns and honors the dead)
How figure painting Who
What Kritios Boy
When 480 BCE
where from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece
why to portray how human being truly stands
how Marble sculpture
Who Greeks
What Erechtheion
When 421-405 BCE
Where Acropolis, Athens, Greece
Why replace Archaic Athena temple destroyed by Persians (multiple shrine)
How gold, rock, crystal, colored glass, grey blue limestone, marble
Who Greek
What youth diving, cover slab of the Tomb of the Diver
When 480-470 BCE
Where from the Tempe del Prete necropolis, Paestum, Italy
Why symbolizes the deceased's plunge into the underworld
How Fresco panel painting
Which Trees Resemble Niobid Krater
Who Pergamene sculptor
What Epigonos, Dying Gaul
When 230-220 BCE
Where Museo Capitolino, Rome
Why Recalls dying warrior
How Marble
Which Part of group of sculptures
Who Athenian named Exekias
What Vase Achilles killing Penthesilea (Queen of Amazons)
When 540-530 BCE
Where Vulici, Italy
Why Depicts calm before the storm
How Black Figure Painting
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