Friday, November 27, 2015

Chpt 10 Images

Who- Muslim scribes
What- Folio from the Blue Koran with 15 lines of Sura 2,
When- 9th to mid 10th century
Where- Kairouan, Tunisia
Why- calligraphy held place of honor
How- Ink, gold, and silver on blue-dyed vellum

Who- Abd al-Malik 
What- Aerial view of the dome of the Rock
When- 687-692
Where- Jerusalem
Why- here Muhammad began his miraculous journey to heaven marks the triumph of islam
How- domed octagon 

Who- Nasrids 
What- Muqarnas dome, Hall of the Abencerrajes, Palace of the lions
When- 1354-1391
Where- Alhambra, Granada, Spain
How- octagonal drum, carved stucco muqarnas, rose colored stone

Who- Umayyad caliphs
What- Plan of the Umayyad Jerusalem Palace
When- ca 740-750 (After Alberto Berengo Gardin)
Where- Mshatta, Jordan
Why- Umayyad palaces included elaborate bathing facilities, which were an inheritance from Roman influences

Who- Ottoman architect Sinan
What- Illuminated tughra
When- ca 1555-1560
Where- Constantinople, Istanbul, Turkey
Why- for Suleyman the Magnificent
How- Ink, paint, and gold on paper

What- Iranian Mihrab
When- About 1354
Where- Isfahan, Iran
Why- Exemplifies perfect union of Islamic Calligraphy

What- Mausoleum of Samanids
When- Early 10th Century
Where- Bukhara, Uzbekistan

How- Baked Bricks

What- Prayer Hall Of Mezquita
When- 800CE-1000CE
Where- Cordoba, Spain
How- 36 piers, 514 columns

Who- Pyxis of al-Mughira
What- Ivory Pyxis
When- 986
Where- Cordoba, Spain

How- Ivory

What- Detail of Mosaic in courtyard of Great Mosque
When- 706 to 715
Where- Damascus, Syria
Why- To show expansion of population

Chpt 9 Images

Who- Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, 
What- aerial view of Hagia Sophia (looking North)
When- 532-537
Where- Constantinople (Istanbul) Turkey 
Why- built/designed for Justinian 
How- dome, butresses, minarets, Pendative construction

Who- Emperor
What- Katholikon (looking northeast),
When- first quarter of 11th century
Where- monastery of Hosios Loukas, Distomo, Greece,
How- light stones framed by dark red bricks (cloisonne technique) arcurated windows, projecting apses, and varying rooflines 

Who- Eastern Christians
What- Virgin (Theotokos) and Child between Saints Theodore and George, icon
When- sixth or early seventh century, 
Where- Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sina, Egypt
Why- played important role in monastic religious life both public and private
How- Enaustic on wood

What- Archangel Michael icon, 
When- ca 1100
Why- treasure brought from Constantinople for St. Mark's  
How- image 

Who- Byzantine artist
What- Saint Apollinaris amid sheep
When- 533-549
Where- Church Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy, ca
Why- indicates how Saint Apollinaris stands beneath Christ
How- apse mosaic

Who- Byzantine painter
What- Annunciation, reverse of two-sided icon
When- early 14th century
Where- from the Church of the Virgin Peribletops, Ohrid, Macedonia 
Why- painting on two sides because it was carried in processions 
How- Tempera and linen on wood

Who- Byzantine artist 
What- Theodora and attendants
When- ca 547
Where- on the south wall of the apse, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy
Why- represented women within a definite architecture 
How- mosaic

Who- Byzantines
What- Christ before Pilate
When- early sixth century
Where- Rosanno Gospels
Why- played important role in monastic religious life 
How- manuscript, purple-dyed pages

Who- master carver in Constantinople
What- Archangel Michael, right leaf of a diptych
When- early sixth century
Where- British Museum, London
Why- depicts the archangel Michael (one of the seven archangels)
How- ivory panel sculpture 

Who- Byzantine painter (Greco-Roman heritage)                                                      
What- Christ as Savior of Souls, icon
When- early 14th century
Where- Saint Clement, Orhid, Macedonia
Why- Byzantine spirituality
How- Tempera, linen, and silver on wood 

Who- Mosaicist
What- Throne of Maximianus
When- ca 546-556
Where- San Vitale, Ravenna museum
Why- Stresses the bishop's importance 
How- Ivory

Who- Middle Byzantine architects
What- Christ as Pantokrator
When- ca. 1090-1100
Where- Church of the Dormition, Daphni, Greece
Why- depicts gigantic icon hovering dramatically in space, connecting the awestruck worshiper with heaven through Christ
How- Dome mosaic 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Chpt 8 Images

Who- Greco Romans 
What- Christ Seated
When- 350-375
Where-from Civita Latina, Italy, ca 
Why- retain traditional greco-roman values
How- Marble

Who- Romans
What- Interior of Santa Sabina Looking northeast
Where- Rome, Italy
When- 422-432
Why- Constantine reign
How-Timber-roofed illuminated by clerestory windows corinthian columns

What- Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 
Where- from Rome, Italy, 
When- 359
Why- Junius Bassus was baptized into Christianity just before his death 
How- Marble 

Who- Romans
What- Miracle of the loaves and fishes, 
 Where- from the top register of the nave wall (above the clerestory windows) of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy, 
When- ca. 504
why- tell story
How- mosaic

Who- Romans
What- Christ as Sol Invictus,
                                           where- detail of the mosaic Vatican Necropolis, Rome, Italy,
                                                           when- late third century
Why- tell story
How- mosaic

Who- Romans
what- The Old farmer Corycus, folio 7 verso 
where- of the Vatican Vergil,
when- ca 400-420
how- Tempera on parchment codex's gradual replacement of the scroll-the dominant book form in the ancient world- has been called the most important advance in book making before the invention of printing

Chpt 7 Images

Who: Baalbek
What: Temple of Venus
When: N.a
Where: Lebanon
Why: Followed baroque tradition
How: N.a
 Who: N.a
What: Arch Of Constantine
When: 312-315 BCE
Where: Rome, Italy
Why: N.a
How: Sculpted
What: Gardenscape Secondstyle wall painting
When: 30-20 BCE
Where: Italy
How: Fresco

What: Portrait Bust of Livia
When: Early first century
Why: Shows the modern roman culure
How: Marble
What: Menander Portrait
When: 62-79 BCE
How:Mural painting

What: Frigidarian baths of diclotetian
When:306-248 BCE
Where: Rome, Italy
How: N.a