Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Reasons why

1. The angle that you are looking at it from makes it look natural despite the lack of parallel lines.
2. So that it appears closer.
3. Because The French took inspiration from Rome.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Cave of Forgotten Dreams Film Guide

1.    When and where was the cave discovered?
1994, Southern France
2.    Why was a door installed into the opening of the cave?
To not compromise the delicate climate inside
3.    Where were the red spots discovered and how were they made?
By the original entrance of the cave, and they were made with palm prints.
4.    What was the first proof that the drawings were not forgeries?
There were etchings over it that take thousands of years to develop.
5.    Why did the scientist believe that the artist created the bison with eight legs?  What other possible reason do you think that this might have been done?
To make it look like it was moving. It might have been done also to make it look as though there was another bison next to it that wasn’t visible due to the angle.
6.    What possible landmark was near the cave?
An arch
7.    Why did the filmmakers think that there might have been dancing in the cave?
There was evidence of fire in the cave and shadows that would have been there as a result of the fire.
8.    What does the presence of bones indicate?
Humans never lived in the cave.
9.    How did they know that one person created the red dots in different parts of the cave?
He had a slightly crooked finger that identified him
10. What animal is combined with a woman?
A bison.
11. What was discovered in 2008?  What material was it created from? The Venus Of Hoble Field. It was made from a mammoth tusk.

12. What was most significant about this cave to you?

The sheer amount of history that was in there and its surprisingly good condition.